Day Twenty-Eight: Yay mocktails!

I’m nearing my original goal of 30 days, and I’m feeling strong (except for those witching hours in the evening, but I can beat those back now). I’ve now survived a fancy drinks lunch at a nice restaurant with my co-workers. I also had a fancy drink, virgin of course, and I felt still quite festive. It was a proper cocktail, just no booze. I am loving that so many restaurants in my city are embracing the mocktail thing. There was an article in the paper the other day about the care and effort many restaurants are making in this regard. I was thrilled! It must mean that it is true that sobriety is becoming fashionable. I love that.

I have a fairly long vacation (at home) starting tomorrow, and I’m looking forward to reading more sobriety books (finishing The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober, and I don’t want it to end! Maybe Mrs D is next. I read her blog ages ago and loved it, but from this side now, I’m thinking I’ll get even more out of her experience). And cleaning the house! And writing more for me! And resting. ❤️

6 thoughts on “Day Twenty-Eight: Yay mocktails!

  1. Hi!! I love the idea of mocktails. I have even looked up a few recipes on Pinterest, and have a couple ideas for my own concoctions. What is your favorite that you have tried so far?

    I hope you have a great and relaxing vacation! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The ‘unexpected joy’ was the book that triggered my sober journey. I loved it and so much of it resonated with me. Someone on here recommended ‘the sober diaries’ and that was great. I stared it about 20 days in and it was such a good read. It’s important to keep reading up about alcohol and addiction to alcohol I think as it reminds me of why I decided to give it up.

    It is becoming fashionable to be AF .. it’s the new cool!!! 😎

    Have a great holiday .. I am planning on relaxing too. Total chill out. xx

    Liked by 1 person

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